Called to Serve - Altar Servers' Retreat
We are excited to be hosting our first retreat especially for young altar servers of the Archdiocese of Birmingham!
Who is it for?
The retreat is for young altar servers in school years 5 to 13. We hope many will come as a parish group, accompanied by adult leaders. We also have places available for young people who aren't joining us as part of a group.
When is it?
The retreat runs from the evening of Friday 8th March (arrivals from 6 p.m.) until lunchtime on Sunday 10th March 2024 (depart by 1:30 p.m.)
Where is it happening?
We're hosting the weekend at our diocesan youth retreat centres Alton Castle and Soli, both located together in the village of Alton, North Staffordshire.
Who is it run by?
The Kenelm Youth Trust and the Diocesan Vocations Office are working together to host this retreat.
What is it?
A retreat is firstly a time to leave the busyness of our lives to spend time with Jesus and with others. It will be good for altar servers to be with those from other parishes! There will be fun activities and time for reflection on the service we give in our lives. At the heart of our time together will be prayer and liturgical celebrations, including a candlelit procession and culminating in Holy Mass on Sunday.
How much will it cost?
The cost is £99 per person. This covers accommodation, activities and meals. Adult places will be subsidised partially or fully, depending on the size of your group.
How do I book?
Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email. We will send you more information, including how to pay, in due course.
For more information
You can contact Deacon Owen Gresty in the Diocesan Vocations Office. 0121 321 5135
You can find out more about the Guild of Saint Stephen for altar severs here. You can find out more about the work of the Kenelm Youth Trust on their website.