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Guild Events
“I promise to do my best to serve regularly with reverence and understanding,
for the glory of God, the service of his Church and my own eternal salvation”
- from the Guild Promise
The Diocesan Vocations Office hosts annual events for altar servers of all ages, to help train and form them, and to celebrate their commitment to parish life.
Upcoming Events

Annual Mass of Thanksgiving 2022
What is it?
A chance to celebrate the contribution of altar servers to the life of our archdiocese and for servers will renew their promises.
Holy Mass followed by refreshments and fellowship in the Grimshaw Room.
Who is it for?
All altar servers in the Archdiocese of Birmingham, their family, friends and parishioners.
Saturday 7st October 2023, 12 noon
*Our Mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated on the 1st Saturday in October each year from now on*
St. Chad's Cathedral
To book:
Details will be sent to parish priests in the summer.
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