“We cannot just say that young people are the future of the world. They are its present.”
- Pope Francis
Young people at university are at a crucial point in their lives where they explore what the future holds for them and what is right for them. Students discern and decide what they think is right for their lives. It is not always easy to decide what to do in an ever changing, materialistic world where we face innumerable choices. Our Holy Father asks us to accompany our young people in their vocational discernment. Just as Samuel needed the help and guidance of Eli to listen to the call that God had for him, our young people also need that guidance and encouragement to hear and respond to God's voice. We have to be renewed in our commitment to young people.
The Diocesan Vocations Office offers workshops tailored to the needs of young people, where we provide an introduction to vocation and discernment. We help them to discover God's plan for their lives through eucharistic adoration and spiritual accompaniment. Students will have a better understanding of how to live out the called to holiness, discern their vocation and appreciate the call to work.
Fr. Marco Egawhary shares the impact of a vocations workshop he attended while at university:
An evening or session from the Vocations Office may include:
Holy Mass celebrated with the Vocations Director,
Eucharistic adoration for vocations,
A talk from the Vocations Director,
A talk from a Vocation Promoter,
Q&A session.
We are happy to be flexible and adapt your session.
Get in touch!
Deacon Owen is the Diocesan Promoter for Vocations, supporting those in our universities.