Vocation Promotion

Pray With Us
“Vocations are born in prayer and from prayer;
only in prayer can they persevere and bear fruit.”
- Pope Francis
Prayer for Vocations
Jesus encourages us to pray for more labourers to bring in the harvest. As part of our culture of vocation, we promote daily prayer for vocations in our families, parishes and schools.
We pray in particular that more men and women answer God's call to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life; we pray for a greater awareness of vocation in the Church; we pray for God to reveal his wonderful unfolding plan for each of us daily.
Prayer Calendar
Each day of every month, we have a specific prayer intention for vocations.
On most days, we pray for one of our seminarians or men in formation for the permanent diaconate.
On some days, we pray for specific vocations in the Church, or for particular groups of people - that hearts may be open to the Lord's call.
We invite you to join us each day with this prayer. As a reminder, we publish our intention on X/Twitter every morning.

Deanery Vocations Months
Most days of the year, there is Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament somewhere in the Archdiocese of Birmingham specifically to pray for an increase in vocations.
Across our parishes, schools and religious communities, people come together to ask the Lord that men and women will hear and respond to his call to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.
During this time of prayer with the Lord, we consider our own vocation and that of others close to us. We adore Jesus, we thank him for the gifts he has given us, and we present to him our personal needs, those of the Church and of the world.
Prayer Cards
In order to help and encourage prayer for vocations, the Diocesan Vocations Office publishes beautiful cards - with prayers, both traditional (such as the Rosary or the Angelus) and for those in different circumstances (for example, the housebound) - with a specific focus on vocations.
Click the image to see the full list of what is available, and contact us if you want copies for yourself, your parish, school or prayer group. These are available free-of-charge to those in the Archdiocese of Birmingham.