Goods Order Forms
“Anyone who wants to be first among you must be your servant,
[...] just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve”
- Matthew 20:26,28
Forms & Prices Updated November 2024
Forms are provided as editable pdfs to either print and handwrite, or type and print. Payment can only be accepted by cheque, and any orders sent by email can only be processed when payment has been received.
Please note that these are different to the Archconfraternity's forms, and must be returned to the administrator at the Archdiocese of Birmingham Vocations Office.
Goods (including Bronze Medals) can be ordered all year round. If ordering for St. Stephen's Day, forms must be received no later than the end of November.
General Goods Order Form (including Bronze Medals)
For bronze medals, cords, books, certificates and accessories.
Silver Medal Forms
Orders for Silver Medals and Silver Medals of Merit, awarded for long service of 10 and 20 years, must be made on the following forms. Please note that these are different to the Archconfraternity's forms and must be returned to the administrator at the Birmingham Diocesan Vocations Office. For solid silver medals, please allow at least 2 months before the intended presentation date.
Silver Medal Application and Approval Form
Silver Medal of Merit Application and Approval Form
For 20 years as a server (not necessarily all as a member of the Guild).
For 10 years enrolled in the Guild.
Gold Medal Applications
Orders for Gold Medals and Gold Medals of Merit, awarded for long service of at least 50 years, must now be made directly to the Archconfraternity using the following link: