Quo Vadis?
“I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me.”
- John 10:14
Following Good Shepherd Sunday (the World Day of Prayer for Vocations) the Diocesan Vocations Office is facilitating a series of three Zoom sessions for university students of the Archdiocese of Birmingham - all on the theme of discernment.
Each session runs between 8:00 - 8:45 p.m. and will include a presentation on the life of the beatus (blessed) by a speaker working within university chaplaincy, followed by a time of prayer.
The focus of this series is to help give inspiration, advice and tools for those discerning their own Vocation. The title Quo Vadis? is Latin for 'Where are you going?', which comes from a traditional story of St. Peter meeting Jesus (who appears in a vision) on the road when escaping persecution in Rome. This encounter with the Lord - and asking Him this question - gives Peter the courage to return and to fulfil his ministry in Rome.
During the Zoom sessions, it will be possible to ask questions using the chat function. Unfortunately, these won't be answered in the short time we have on the night, but the questions posed will be collected and responses sent to all participants by email the following week.
Register for the Zoom links by completing the form at the foot of this page.
For more information, contact Deacon Owen in the Vocations Office (0121 321 5135).

Tuesday 10th May
Blessed Carlo Acutis
Mgr. Mark Crisp
(Wolverhampton University Chaplaincy)

Monday 16th May
Blessed Chiara Badano
Alvea Fernandes
(Oxford University Chaplaincy)