Vocations Sunday 2020
“Almighty ever-living God, lead us to a share in the joys of heaven,
so that the humble flock may reach where the brave Shepherd has gone before.”
- From the Collect for the Fourth Sunday of Easter
The Diocesan Vocations Office produces materials for our parishes, schools and universities to mark Vocations Sunday each year. Here is an archive of 2020's materials.
Prayer for Vocations Sunday 2020
Heavenly Father,
we thank you for the witness and ministry
of the bishops, priests and deacons
and consecrated men and women
in the Archdiocese of Birmingham.
Continue to send labourers into your harvest.
Inspire the hearts of your people
to answer your call to the priesthood, the diaconate
and to the religious life.
Bless our families
with a spirit of generosity
and may those you call have the courage
to give themselves to your Church in faith.
Send your Holy Spirit upon me
to guide me in my own vocation.
Enlighten my mind to show me what you want of me;
fill my heart with the determination
to answer your call in faith, hope and love.
Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Key documents
Schools' Resources
Assembly Powerpoint
To share with young people.