Primary Schools
“At last I have found my vocation: My vocation is love.”
– St. Thérèse of Lisieux
We recognise that, as part of his universal call to holiness, God's marvellous plan for us begins when we are young. Our diocesan primary schools have a key role in helping to support parents and parishes in nurturing an openness to God's call in our young people. The Diocesan Vocations Office is here to help schools in sowing the seeds of vocation.
What we offer:
A workshop for Year 6 classes, exploring the word 'vocation'. Linked to the Sacrament of Confirmation, this is offered free-of-charge (although we appreciate a donation to cover our travel costs). It includes a visual presentation; fun, reflective activities; questions and answers; exploring the significance of priests' vestments,
A point of contact for those who might speak about vocation in school, such as clergy, seminarians, and religious brothers and sisters,
Support on planning vocations days/weeks or activities in school,
Help with participation with Days of Adoration and Prayer for Vocation,
Bookings for Oscott's School Outreach Programme in June each year. An email is sent out to all headteachers in spring, with the information on when and how to book (on a strictly first come, first served basis),
An annual vocations competition.

Get in touch!
Deacon Owen is the Diocesan Promoter for Vocations, supporting those in our schools.
Reference Guide for Primary Schools
The role of the teacher in awakening hearts of pupils for vocation.