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“A vision is a God-given picture of the future that produces passion in you.

– Fr. James Mallon, Divine Renovation

Envision • Encounter • Equip

‘Painting’ a compelling vision for evangelisation, and communicating it clearly, is essential for becoming a missionary parish, and will make subsequent steps easier.


The resources below are included to help you to do this. It is not exhaustive by any means but should help you to begin. Envisioning should not be rushed, and time needs to be taken in speaking about your vision, discussing it with one another and fixing it in people’s minds. A clear vision can help you to say ‘yes’ to the things which help you to fulfil the vision, and ‘no’ to those things that don’t.


A good vision can also help to:

  • unite parishioners,

  • renew ministries,

  • direct your plans,

  • involve new people,

  • fund initiatives.


If you don’t have a written vision for your parish (or even if you do), our Archdiocesan Vision is key for how we will move forward in mission over the next few years, and renew the Church in the Archdiocese of Birmingham.


Our Diocesan Vision

Our Diocesan Vision is the Archbishop’s dream for every parish in Birmingham.





Our Vision is to be a Catholic diocese which is faithful to the mission entrusted to us by Jesus Christ, full of missionary disciples who work together co-responsibly in vibrant communities of faith, joyful in their service of God and neighbour.

Diocesan Vision Flyer

An invitation from Archbishop Bernard Longley to discover the vision


Diocesan Vision: Unfolding God’s Plan

The Office for Mission has produced 6 ready-made sessions to help a parish leadership group or parish/pastoral council to dig deeper into the Archbishop’s Vision, to review ministries in the light of its Four Themes and to identify opportunities for mission and formation for parishioners. Please click HERE to visit that page. You can also download a summary of these sessions below. The Office for Mission can also help you to write your own parish vision through a Vision workshop. This can be run for a deanery, or group of parishes.


Please contact Paul for more information.

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Envision • Encounter • Equip
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